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Minggu, 08 Januari 2012

10 Misconception

1. Some people can not success because background, education, and others.
    In fact, anyone can achieve success. It's just how they want it, then do something to achieve it.
2. Successful people do not make mistakes.
    In fact, successful people that just made ​​a mistake as we all do, however they don't make that mistake 
     a second time.
3. To be successful, we must work more than 60 hours a week.
    In fact, the problem is not with the duration of your work. But how can you do something right.
4. You can only succeed when playing something with the rules.
    In fact, who makes the rules? Each situation requires a different way. Sometimes we do have
      to follow the rules, but at other times it is you who makes the rules.  

5. If you always ask for help, you do not success. 
    In fact, success rarely happens in times of vacuum. Indeed, by recognizing and appreciating  
    the help of others can help your success. And, in fact there are many such people.
6. Required a lot of luck to succeed.
    In fact, it only takes a little luck. However, it takes a lot of hard work, intelligence, knowledge, 
    and application.
7. Success is when you get a lot of money.
    In fact, money is only one of the many advantages provided by success. Money was not a guarantee 
    of your success.
8. Success is when all people acknowledge it.
    In fact, you may be able to reach more people and recognition from others for what you are doing. 
    But, even if you own only know it, you still success.  
9. Success is the goal.
    In fact, success is more than you can achieve your objectives and goals
    Say that you want success, then ask the question "for what?"
10. I am success when my trouble ended.   
      In fact, you may success, but you are not God. You still have to go through road up and down  
      as you experienced in times past. Just enjoy what you have achieved and to live each day as it is.



* Letter of Inquiry

The Abc Group, Inc.
123 Street
Long Town, ID 32121

Depok, December 19, 2011

Lucky, Programmer
TTT Foundation
112 Bale St.
Jakarta, ID 11223

Dear Mr. Lucky, 
Your name has been given to us by Manga Store in Bali, when we attended your workshop. The Internet and other networks are now making it possible for entrepreneurs. We are an industrial organization in Depok and we hope you could help us. Many poverty alleviation initiatives, all of the Virtual programs are predicated on the assumption that.

We believe that broadly-implemented technical skills programs have the potential to transform change the economic.
Would you send us your current programs literature? I look forward to hearing from you soon.


